Thoughts on smudge sticks
Sweet grass
Doug Fir
Yerba Santa
Roots and rhizome
A cuppa water
Tons of resins, all kinds
I could go on. What's missing? "Sage" specially saliva apiana, more commonly known as "white sage"
Been seeing reading lots of people pushing the /smudge stick/ thing, I'm like "why?" I personally don't use "sage" like that. Sometimes people bring us some. It lasts a long time, still have that same "smudge stick" from 5 years ago. Good in a throat gargle for the cough, cold, flu season. I've made infused oil out of it to combine with chaparral, resin and cannabis to make a antibiotic salve. But to "smudge" with? No. I don't even really smudge. Dislike the word right now, overused, tired, unnecessary. And we don't always have to /banish/cleanout/ often we need to welcome and call in. We can utilize so many other flora and fauna. I personally prefer utilizing palos. Sticks, wood, from my region or some given to me. Medicine from my own nec of the woods is more powerful and in better shape then something I would have ordered and had delivered through the mail and then again I also have a relationship to these plants out here. Bioregional medicine. Most powerful. We can refrain from always thinking we need to clean, banish, scour, purge, colonic, enema, douch. Enough with the bloodletting and use of leeches already. Use what's growing around the place. Get to know it. If you must clean out, learn and get to know what's in your area. Doesn't always have to the burned and smoking either. Making an infusion, either hot or cold will be powerful and effective. It can be used as a spray, a floor and house wash, you can even just use your hands and flick the waters around your home, sweep it over your own self. Or just keep some of the plant around the place, just sitting there. Marigolds floating in a bowl of water know what to do and are already doing it.
Just my two beads worth.