The clouds are dumb today over the Farlons, muggy and gray, some say it foretells an earthquake, I say they are blind and spend too much time with sorrow. The swallows split the sky today and I saw how you hid your anger, that was really just passion and knowing misplaced. Wrong season. And I was always here, the other side of the hour.
Sleeping on Haiku
she: I'd like to sleep on that floor. Haiku. Wine. Shadow.
he: Yea, we can
she: Not sure how the years passed. Woke up. I missed a few decades
he: I'm not sure but maybe this is a dream
she: I think so. Am drawing it out. In the sky.
timing, rhythm, it's woven and painted out after the dream real unreal vision
divination is in one's spirit
can you read the wind The sound of the black birds across the intersection The speed of the rain
forgive me
my ways my stillness my silence
there is an unwinding of the tendrils, vine windy at dawn
making the small noises
rubywoman who knows things
She said: falcons, rain, these scrub lands. today the sky says remember
He said : I want your sighs and moans to silence the wild creatured
her magnificent
come into me, devour me until we are one again, sand, sea. I have known, know you still as a tyrant wind, I have seen you tear through the dead pine and summer fog to reach me.
I want to rest, to arrive among the lilies and sweet grass, fall into this woven fabric that is also sky and you. I have known how you enter me, Pangaea and Twilight the source of your manhood. Edges fall away in this world of trespassing and confession. Votive breath, peregrine flight. This physical world fades, is a map pinned to someone else's wall. A wish. Let them have it. We have gone, danced and loved down the marble corridors, this place, you, in dream and here, this, the 7th sky.
out here
out here
seen in dream, found on earth
seen in dream, found on earth