This Ocher sky

The winds calmed last night so we didn’t have to evacuate. It’s 86 degrees out, substantially cooler than yesterday and the sky has an errie ocher glow, reminiscent of the sky in the movie Vanilla Sky but ocher instead of pink. I’ll still be keeping the Jeep packed with important documents and some other things that will remain there until sometime in November when

“Fire Season” The new normal that shouldn’t be.

I had not even unpacked the Jeep from last weeks Evacuation which lasted two weeks for us and here I am packing again. I’m pretty good at overlanding but this, this is different. A lot is required of me to make sure that my loved ones are safe and have what they need to stay healthy and comfortable. There’s very little room inside of a compact SUV carrying three adults and 2 German Shepards so I’ve been reading reviews of the best waterproof cargo roof bag and a car alarm. I’ve had no use for a car alarm since I stopped working in the cities but need one now as I drive into cities and areas unknown to me for temporary lodging. I was able to get Cove, my migraine medicine provider to send me a three month supply of my migraine meds. Something we all need to do when we live in an area with so many natural disasters. Let me clarify.. when one evacuates suddenly and only has a week or less of refills on their meds, it can be a nightmare to reroute the script to another pharmacy in another county or state.

It’s advisable to get a three month supply of meds, especially those who take life saving meds and have them at the ready in your go-bag.

I can’t believe we have to live like this, always having the go-bag ready, but it’s our new normal out here. 

I’m exhausted and need deep restorative rest and sleep but won’t get it very often until after November and then I’ll be preparing for  the floods we get out here that require us to evacuate as well. 

Yes you’re right, it is no longer sustainable for me to live in these redwoods which I love so much. They’ve always been a safe haven for all of us. To be under the redwood veil and mist has saved my life so many times, and the lives of many others. I have begun a grieving of leaving the woods here, my plans have not  come into vision yet and I wouldn’t speak of them yet if they did. Changes are on the wind though and I’m sad for now. It’ll change and I’ll be energized and bright walking into a new way but for now, I’m exhausted and sad. 

What’s helping: Lactuca, Passiflora, Kava, Forbidden Fruit, CBD, Cal Poppy, Ashawagandha, Jamaican dogwood, Pedicularis densiflora, Magnesium, Glycine.
