
Good morning worlds

Eye kan an fo lere mi, lere mi, o f'apa otun ba'le, O re gbongbongbon bi oko.

A bird twirls all over me, touching the ground with her right wing, and sounding as does the hoe when struck.

Eye kan an ba lere mi, lere mi, o f'apa otun ba'le, o re gbongbongbon bi ada.

The bird then perches on me, tapping the ground with her right wing, and sounding with the strength of a cutlass.

Bi alaworo - Òrìsà ba ji, a f'ada Òrìsà no'le, a ni "Òrìsà, e ji tabe o ji!"

When the chanter - priestess rises at dawn, she taps the earth with the Spirits cutlass saying. "Spirits, I want to know if you are awake and attentive on this day!"