So it’s 8:48 PM at night, I’ve been trying since 1:30 PM to paint, to write and to make medicine. To have a day to myself. It still hasn’t happened. And it’s not because I’m not trying. I can’t even finish a cup of coffee without it getting cold like that. It’s not boundary issues. It’s responsibilities. And caring for others, I know I need to care for myself, but it’s not that easy. Don’t judge or deconstruct me. O, and I even said no to several things asked of me today.
self care
Shampoo Bar Inspired by the Ancient Haircare Rituals of the Red Yao Tribe
I received a surprise gift from a close sister. A special shampoo bar! I love the idea of further reducing my plastic usage. It’s tough to do but really important. Can’t wait to try it!