Codex Mortis
“Sometimes poison is the medicine.
Sometimes the action of this medicine
is as gentle as waking up,
but sometimes the world as you know it
is dissolved in a torrent of seeming madness,
so that another world might become visible.”
— Dale Pendell
Warning: These pages hold the sound of my collapse.
Into the hollow of a shattered timeline.
These fragments were screamed onto pages,
not written.
A catalog of disintegration:
Thoughts that bled out in real time,
as everything succumbed to chaos.
Read at your own peril – I didn’t write for witnesses.
If you're seeing this, it's because I lost control.
I. Threshold
Before the time of bent tulips
Before I was cruel
Before the jawbone of grief split my mouth
I somehow didn’t see the flags at half-mast—
tired threads unraveling against a sky too pale to mourn.
Soldiers lined the highway—teeth in a dead man’s mouth.
Clouds moved into the animal of their bodies.
Field Note #1: First Omen
— Do you know what it means to salt the windows at dusk?
— To lay chain across the door before you sleep?
— Never count the moths near your candle. You won’t like what happens next.
— Do you still believe in the safety of the ordinary?
— I used to pick flowers without pressing them into pages like warnings.
— It was once safe to trust maps and simple geography.
— Keep something sweet in your mouth when you are crossing between worlds—otherwise, they’ll know you don’t belong.
— Every threshold—a door, a room, a step—is fraught with a perilous possibility, a cosmic gamble where something precious might be lost.'
Deviation Log #1
— Ghost pipe blossoms premature in sector 7 of old growth.
— Morning (?) Topography glitch: nearby ridge appears only at dusk.- no trace by morning.
— 3:47 PM: Moon visible during daylight hours. Too bright, too close.
I used to think sweetness was enough.
I once measured my days in cups of coffee and folded shirts, believing in the small order of things.
I might have listened to you then—your good counsel, a soft blade pressed against my ear.
I might have danced with you, our feet tracing circles in the dirt.
I could have eaten with silverware, drank with cups.
I could have prayed without looking over my shoulder.
I was once like you.
I believed in doors.