A salute and thank you to all members of our Caregivers for Stroke Survivors Group.
I bow down deeply, and I’m grateful, for all that you gave me. You have been there when no one else was, you gave me solace, in my grief, and often gave me clarity, when none could be found anywhere else. You have been my rock, my family, and my support, and soothed my soul so often in the past years. I can never thank you enough, for caring for me, and my husband, and each other.
I say farewell to you all, yet it is bittersweet. I long to stay, as there exists remnants of my husband being alive in this world, within this group.
My dear beloved husband, laid down his robe Sunday morning at 11:38 AM March 27, 2022. I am more devastated that I could ever imagine. Thank you all again, and I wish you all love, joy, peace and ease as you navigate the complicated road of being a caregiver to a stroke survivor. never give up hope, and remember what I’ve always said, never base one bad day as the whole of your loved one’s healing process. strokes are very strange and mysterious, and it is not always what it seems. There can often be really good clear days cognitive wise for our loved one, and there can be very bad days when it seems like it will never get better. But we have to remember that strokes are very strange and mysterious and they are not linear.
Much love to you all, Prettythunder